Archive of ‘Uncategorised’ category

Meet your new piano teacher on Zoom…

The pandemic lockdown hasn’t been the best time for live musicians, but strangely, it’s been a great time to dive in and become a player. Put simply: there’s never been a better time to learn piano.

Joe is currently teaching a growing number of keen students, with regular and engaging Zoom-based lessons. “There’s nothing like being the room together, but the technology brings us pretty close. So many people are reconnecting with that long-held desire to learn to play”, says Joe.

Contact Joe to arrange your lessons today.

Joe’s Primary Jazz… book your tickets for the Conservatoire

Joe Thompson Primary JazzOn 18 October, (and again on 29 November) Joe will be resuming his jazz trio sessions for young musicians at the Blackheath Conservatoire.  As usual Joe will be looking at “opposites” in performance and featuring proper grown-up jazz examples in attempt to encourage performers of any age to get the most out of their instruments and the best out of themselves. Tickets £10 and £5.

More here: